Issue Three
Is the City slowly falling apart?
By Theresa Acerro,
President of SWCVCA http://www/
People who
have been waiting for up to 45 years for sidewalks and/or street repairs would certainly disagree with the adjective
slowly, but the fact is the streets in Eastlake and Rancho Del Rey are on the
path to destruction unless more funds are allocated for basic maintenance. The Engineering,
General Services and Public Works departments issued a report
on April 5, 2007 at a workshop held at the Public Works building on Maxwell.
The PowerPoint presented to the SWCVCA on April 26, 2007 to convey this
information is available in PowerPoint and pdf on this site. A
$369-$396 million partial infrastructure funding need has been identified. This
uses 2006 dollars and is only an estimate for fixing roads, sidewalks and
drainage deficits (slide 5). There will be another report coming out next year
covering the rest of the infrastructure deficits. Obviously the city does not
have this much money when its total General Fund budget is under
$200 million and 81% of the money in the General Fund goes toward paying
for salaries and pensions. This is not atypical of cities and school
districts. Chula Vista now has severe financial
problems that will require more cuts
in staff and services.
At the SWCVCA meeting on September 24, 2007
Councilman Rudy Ramirez expressed the opinion that Redevelopment would help
solve this problem .
Jose Preciado, the president of Southbay
Forum expressed his doubts .(Please see Issue One for a more thorough treatment
of this subject. Here are some excerpts from the Infrastructure Report: flooding problems, erosion that development in the east has
caused in the east, and information from the map with a quarter mile
circle around each school in the city that has pedestrian infrastructure
problems and the amount of money it would cost to fix these problems. (You can
see large version of the maps at meetings of the SWCVCA.))
Assistant City
Manager Scott Tulloch explained in detail the Pavement Management Plan the city
has adopted on 9/24/07 at the September meeting of SWCVCA. Basically
it is no more worst first, because economically it makes no sense to spend one
million dollars to fix one block of failed street without sidewalks and gutters
when that one million could keep twenty streets from failing. This slide shows
how much different road treatments cost per square yard. Slides 19 to 21 in the
PowerPoint presentation explain that $19.2 million per year for ten years is
needed to clear up the backlog and raise the average quality of the streets in
Chula Vista to Pavement Condition Index 81. (The average is now 75 with a $43
million backlog. It is important to remember that this is an average skewed by
all the new streets in the east.) Unfortunately the city is not able to spend
this amount due to budget problems. Assistant City Manager Tulloch told me at
meeting on 9/24/07 that no money could come from General Fund for anything
except fixing potholes. (Please call 397-6000, to report a pothole.)
Staff recommended the following on
page I-33 of the Infrastructure Report and
the council adopted it. Since then several councilmen have insisted that
these funds not be cut: “A two year pavement management program based on $11, 504,
665 million in FY 2007 and $9.5 million in FY 2008 by
transferring $2 million from the North Broadway Basin
Reconstruction Project STM354 and $5 million from the 4th Avenue
Reconstruction between Davidson SR54 Project STL309 into
Pavement Rehabilitation Program.” The chart assumes spending would then
revert back to today’s inadequate amounts (around $4 million supplemented by
grants and loans.)
Scenario 5: Recom. Budget: 2 year
(Ending PCI = 68 Backlog = $115 million)
Most of
the money spent on roads comes from TRANSNET
and PROP
1B funds. If the city spends the same amount they have in the past (or
less) our backlog will increase and the average Pavement Condition Index (PCI)
will go down. This means we will pay
considerably more to fix a problem that will be considerably larger in the
{“To introduce the PCI concept – we use a 0-100 scale, with 0 = failed condition, and 100 = excellent condition.
What we decide as acceptable depends on the City. The
analogy I use is the math grade your child brings home from school – 80 may be
acceptable to one parent, but not to another. Similarly, what the acceptable
PCI should be for a City’s network is a policy decision.” From
Infrastructure Assets PowerPoint}
This is a list of streets scheduled to
receive CHIP SEAL
this year. This is a type of slurry streets should receive every six years or
so in order to prolong their life. This is a list
of streets to receive REAS (Rubberized Emulsion Aggregate Slurry) this year. This
is another type of relatively inexpensive way to keep streets from failing. (Click here to learn more about REAS and CHIP SEAL.) The
streets are both in the west and the east. It is important to keep the streets
in the east from failing. Some of them are getting to be twenty years old.
Last year the
city got a $9.5 million grant/loan from HUD
to use for improvements in the Castle Park neighborhood. They are now working on
the Emerson Street drainage project ($2.5 million). No streets in areas
affected by this project can be fixed until this project is done, since fixing
the drainage involves tearing up the streets. They will then start on streets,
sidewalks and gutters for main streets that have assessment districts. Council
has said First, Second and Oxford are to be first, which should take $6.5
million. Next will be smaller streets. The council held a public hearing on
First Avenue on September 11,
2007, but only 49% of the ballots were YES. State law requires 51% of the residents
agree for an assessment
district to be formed. The Council tabled the matter and the residents are
trying for another vote. The residents pay $2,400 to $15,032 of the expense.
They can pay it off over many years as part of their tax bill. The higher
amounts are still more than many people can afford. The HUD loan will pay the rest in the Castle Park
area. The problem with the loan is that the city had to start paying it back
this year with most of the one million dollars of the Community
Block Grant money that was previously used for a variety of capital projects. Part of the reason that the
Infrastructure Report came out this year
was that staff was very concerned that unless the city started spending more
money streets would start failing in the east as well as the west.
I know that many
people, including me, feel it is unacceptable for the city to have such a huge
growing backlog. People in the Southwest are rightly annoyed that so many
pre-annexation problems have still not been fixed. The fact of the matter is that the city needs
more sustainable income. Development fees are not sustainable because at some
point the city will be built out, and they can only be collected and used for
expenses of specific projects. The public facilities fee is a bit more general
in nature and was used to partially finance our new civic
center and police
station. The Independent
Financial Review concluded that this was not the wisest thing to have done.
are so high because since Proposition
13 cities have had to rely upon fees
to make ends meet. The fact that so much new tax money goes to
Redevelopment agencies instead of to General Funds has also helped increase
building fees and with them the price of homes in California. It seems that
either the state is going to have to come up with a more equitable manner of
distributing tax money to cities or we are going to have to tax ourselves in
order to come up with increased revenue to take care of infrastructure
maintenance needs. A good piece of state
legislation would be to distribute sales tax based upon population. This
would give cities a stable source of income and reduce the competition for big
box stores. Insufficient
maintenance of infrastructure is not just a local problem. It is
Of course Chula Vista cannot use the excuse that only Canada and
Oregon have been keeping up with their maintenance. In the late 1980’s Dr.
Cummings was successful in getting the Cummings Initiative passed in Chula
Vista. This is now CVMC 19.80.
The purpose and intent section of this ordinance states: B. It is the intent of the
people of the city to better plan for and control the rate of residential
growth in the city in order that the services provided by the city, school,
park, utility and/or service agencies operating in the city can be properly and
effectively staged in a manner which will not overextend existing facilities,
and in order that deficient services may be brought up to required and
necessary standards while minimizing, by means of long-range financial
planning, the avoidable problems of shortsighted piecemeal growth. In order to
accomplish this, this ordinance will guarantee that any fees collected for
drainage, schools, streets, utilities, parks and recreation facilities shall be
collected or assured by the developers in advance of development impacts and
shall be properly utilized and spent by the city or agency in a timely manner
to ensure that the impact of the development will not have a negative impact on
the residents of Chula Vista.
The fact that
we have a huge deficit in infrastructure seems to indicate that the city
violated this requirement to “properly and effectively stage growth,” because
it obviously has not brought deficient services up to required and necessary
standards. We are now suffering the negative impact of growth in the east in
the form of traffic congestion, poorer air quality(a violation of CVMC 19.09.010) and a host of drainage and other infrastructure
challenges city wide. The report on CO2 clearly shows that
residential development is the cause of 35% more CO2 in our air than in 1991.
The city’s own facilities that are required to meet higher standards than
regular development lowered their CO2 production by 18%. If all
development was required to meet the same standards city buildings do we likely
would have cleaner air.