Cost of Pedestrian Infrastructure needed 1/4 mile around schools north of L and west of I-805.


Partly in Redevelopment Area

Feaster $1,400,000

Mueller $3,400,000

Vista Square $800,000

Not in redevelopment Area

Chula Vista Learning Community Charter $578

Rosebank $11,000,000

Hilltop Drive $2,100,000

Cook $2,800,000


Cost of Pedestrian Infrastructure needed 1/4 mile around schools south of L and west of I-805.


Partly in Redevelopment Area

Harborside $24,800,000

Rice $5,800,000

Lauderbach $8,300,000

Montgomery $4,400,000

Otay $12,300,000

Not in redevelopment Area

Loma Verde $380,000

Rohr $14,300,000

Palomar $840,000

Kellogg $325,000

Castle Park $25,250,000


Cost of Pedestrian Infrastructure needed 1/4 mile around schools east of I-805.


Valle Lindo $10,800,000

Parkview $300,000

Rogers $325,000

Hedenkamp, Heritage, Corky McMillan, Olympic, Salt Creek, $00

Casillas $600,000

Tiffany $300,000

Eastlake $130,000

Chula Vista Hills $620,000

Discovery $100,000

Halecrest $500,000

Clearview $900,000

Allen $6,400,000















Drainage Challenges

Estimated Cost 2006 dollars east of 805: $9,270,000

Estimated Cost 2006 dollars west of 805: $65,100,000





Pavement inspected between 2/2/06-6/2/06


West of 805

East of 805

          #Very poor .5%



#Poor 7.3%



 (78% Good-Very Good)#Fair 13.7%