2.28.050 Unethical conduct.

A. General Policy. One of the highest callings is that of public service. With that service comes a requirement to conduct oneself in a manner above reproach, since the citizens of the community expect and deserve a high standard of conduct and performance. This code of ethics provides the following general guidelines and specific prohibitions to which city officials must conform in the pursuit of their assigned duties and responsibilities:

1. All city officials should endeavor to fulfill their obligations to the citizens of Chula Vista, city management and fellow employees through respect and cooperation. They should strive to protect and enhance the image and reputation of the city, its elected and appointed officials, and its employees. All citizens conducting business with the city shall be treated with courtesy, efficiency and impartiality and none shall receive special advantage beyond that available to any others. Officials shall always be mindful of the public trust and confidence in the daily exercise of their assigned duties, striving to conserve public funds through diligent and judicious management.

B. Specific Prohibitions. City officials (including nonpaid commission, board and committee members) shall be considered to have committed unethical conduct if any of the following occur:

1. Used one’s position or title for personal gain but not found to be an act of illegality or conflict of interest by the district attorney, Grand Jury or Fair Political Practices Commission.

2. Knowingly divulged confidential information for personal gain or for the gain of associates in a manner disloyal to the city.

3. Knowingly made false statements about members of the city council or other city employees that tend to discredit or embarrass those persons.

4. Used or permitted the use of city time, personnel, supplies, equipment, identification cards/ badges or facilities for unapproved noncity activities, except when available to the general public or provided for by administrative regulations.

5. No ex-city officer for a period of one year after leaving office or employment shall, for compensation, act as agent or attorney for, or otherwise represent, any other person by making any oral or written communication before any city administrative office or agency or officer or employee thereof, if the appearance or communication is made for the purpose of influencing administrative action, or influencing any action or proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property.

6. Endorsed or recommended for compensation any commercial product or service in the name of the city or in the employee’s official capacity within the city without prior approval by a city council policy.

7. No member of the city council shall be eligible, for a period of one year after leaving office, for employment by, or be on the payroll of, or be a paid consultant or paid contractor to, the city, or to any entity controlled by the city or the city council (“controlled entities”), or to any entity which receives a majority of its funding from the city or of its controlled entities, except by the permission of the council finding on four-fifths vote that special identified and articulated circumstances exist, cast at a regular public meeting taken after the involved member of the city council has left office. (Refer to Civil Service Commission for the hiring rules.) (Ord. 2629 § 1, 1995; Ord. 2453 § 1, 1991; Ord. 2297 § 1, 1989; Ord. 1040 § 1, 1967; prior code § 1.51).